Institute Surgeons Lecture Around the World
Institute Surgeons Lecture
Around the World
Surgeons from around the world gathered recently in Salzburg, Austria for an “American Masters” presentation in which six surgeons demonstrated the latest state-of-the-art techniques in their fields.
Dr. Gilbert, of the Hernia Institute of Florida, was invited to show the new Prolene Hernia System that he developed with Ethicon, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, which is marketing the device worldwide. It is a three-in-one bi-layer mesh device that sandwiches the hernia from above and below, permitting a tension-free repair. The most common cause for failure in a hernia repair is tension caused when a surgeon pulls together the tear in the abdominal wall to apply sutures. The Prolene Hernia System device avoids tension.
“Many surgeons from around the world have been visiting us at the Hernia Institute of Florida to learn to use the Prolene Hernia System,” said Dr. Gilbert, who is teaching others to become teachers of the procedure. “The patient experiences almost no postoperative discomfort, is able to resume activities immediately, and we have not heard of a single failure with this new device.”
In Salzburg, Dr. Gilbert demonstrated the ease and benefits of the new Prolene Hernia System. He performed live televised surgery, while another surgeon repaired a hernia using the laparoscope.
“Our simple technique requires only a local anesthetic, but the laparoscopic repair required a general anesthetic,” said Dr. Gilbert. “My patient went home that afternoon and felt well enough to go out to dinner that same evening. The laparoscopic patient spent two nights in the hospital. Surgeons who observed the live-surgery telecast were very impressed that the easier and safer procedure also resulted in a much better outcome for the patient.” Dr. Gilbert also lectured at the Austrian College of Surgeons in Vienna on advances in hernia repair. The program was attended by 800 surgeons from Austria and Germany.
Dr. Graham, of the Hernia Institute of Florida, recently spoke at an international symposium in St. Gallen, Switzerland. The symposium, attended by 420 surgeons, was to discuss the latest advances in hernia repair techniques.
“We’re seeing intense interest around the world from general surgeons who do most of the hernia repairs,” Dr. Graham said. “Exciting advances are being made in surgical approaches, and general surgeons want to keep up with developments.”
Dr. Graham said that hernia repair is the most common surgical procedure in men, yet there are only about two dozen surgeons in the world who specialize in hernias.
The Hernia Institute in South Miami developed a technique now in wide use around the world, which causes less discomfort for the patient and results in a rapid return to normal activity. Also, the Hernia Institute recently contributed to the development of a new three-in-one mesh device that is now being marketed to surgeons worldwide.
Dr. Young, of the Hernia Institute of Florida, recently taught at a Hernia Institute Seminar for a group of surgeons from India. He shared his experiences using the new Prolene Hernia System and emphasized the minimal discomfort and great satisfaction reported by his patients. In addition, Dr. Young performed surgery using the Prolene Hernia System at South Miami Hospital which was broadcast live to 150 surgeons in Birmingham, England, who were attending a conference being given by Dr. Gilbert.
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